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On Sunday 12/1/24, parishioners had the opportunity to listen and discuss “The Importance of Cancer Screenings and Lifestyle Modifications” hosted by church members Dr. Nouneh Gostanian and Lena Felice.  
Dr. Gostanian is a medical oncologist affiliated with the Northwell Health Cancer Institute and predominantly sees patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. She discussed a variety of cancer screenings including mammography for patients at average risk of breast cancer, the addition of sonograms for patients who have dense breasts and the use of breast MRI for patients who are at higher risk for breast cancer.  For patients who are at higher risk of breast cancer like those with strong family history or genetic predisposition she recommends an evaluation with the Breast Wellness Program at Northwell. (
Additionally, for colon cancer screening, Dr. Gostanian discussed the gold standard test of colonoscopy that is now recommended for patients starting at a younger age of 45. She discussed screenings for lung cancer including annual low dose radiation CT scans for high-risk patients who are currently smokers or quit smoking within the last 15 years. 
As a complement to the use of medical technology for screenings, Lena Felice who is a licensed nutritionist and life coach, discussed lifestyle modifications to reduce the risk of cancer. These included avoiding commonly used chemicals and plastics in the environment, healthier and well rounded diets, increasing exercise and focusing on mental/social/emotional health. The ultimate message was to start small with attainable goals such as eating snacks/foods with single ingredient such as fruits and vegetables. She also stressed the importance of building healthy rituals such as daily exercise, meditation and a sense of purpose/well-being.